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Komentáře a tipy k vývoji měnových párů - III.

Doporučené příspěvky


imho trochu se zapomíná na výsledky voleb v USA - "protiválečný" signál = posilování usd
zlato je na to nachystáno taky
minulý týden tím asi zamíchali ti číňani

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no nevim, muzem se dohadovat cim vsim to muze byt, fakt ale je, ze neni zatim zadny zretelny tlak ani na jednu stranu. za chvili oteviraji amici trh, tak zjistime, jak se na to divaji oni.


The dollar's slip Friday has come partly as a result of talk of a troubled hedge fund, traders say. "Rumor has it that a hedge fund is in trouble and this is the liquidation we're seeing in the currency market," Grant Wilson, senior currency trading at Mellon Bank said. In addition there are some carry trade jitters going into this weekend's G20 meeting, Grant added.


All sorts of unverifiable chatter making the rounds as traders
try to explain the slide in the dollar, talk suggesting that a certain
mid-east account was a euro buyer in recent trade, perhaps also the
usual Asian suspect. Other chatter, sounding awfully similar to a weekly
FX column we read recently, is trying to suggest that the recent oil
market slide may have exacerbated the already known problems at some
hedge funds with sizeable oil portfolios. A lot of talk doing the
rounds, hard to find if there is real substance behind the chatter or
whether some stale talk keeps getting recirculated and embellished with
each telling. (mni)

Omlouvam se, ale nemam dostatek casu na preklad...uvadim info v originalech...nemyslim si, ze dnesni us housing data hraji podstatnejsi roli ... imho, g/t vsem!

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