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Dulezite upozornuji na GCI z Belize. Tohoto brokera lze nakontaktovat pres firmu Ardeus Havirov.
Jiz rok pres ne obchoduji a nevychazim z udivu, co vse je mozne.
Vlastni tvorba cen, nemoznost dohledat a porovnat jejich grafy.
Naprosto neprofesionalni pristul leve dealeru i neodpovidani na maily.
Pokud mate zajem si otevrit GCI live, durazne radim nedelejte to !
Podrobnosti na 608770352 Tomas

Doporucuji precist jako ilustraci nasledujici chat.

Please wait for one of our dealers to respond.
Chat InformationYou are now chatting with 'Mini FX Dealer'
you: Hello Tomas here
Dont understand why was canceled my order 08/10/06, 21:28:43 CP 6550131 CHF/JPY 1 B 08/10/06, 19:50:55 93.50 93.25 -21.68 0.00 0.00 -21.68 1,597.16 1,586.76 100.00 DEALER CREATE_ORDR
Mini FX Dealer: your order was closed by stop order
you: ok, when market reach this level ?
Mini FX Dealer: 21:28 EST
you: only at your chart, sierra chart, saxo chart IB chart doesnt reach this level, lowest price was 93.27
Mini FX Dealer: the low of the day is 93.29 this is a buy price so the sell price at that time eas 93.24
you: only at your chart, do you have some different prices, than other dealers ?
you: the low of the day was 93.32
Mini FX Dealer: look at the low in your instruments window
you: I saw it, but its only GCI low, other dealers show different lows 93.32. Do you have different charting prices ? Market doesent reach 93.29. SAXO, Sierra and Interactive brokers shows lowest price 93.32.
Mini FX Dealer: sir you are trading using GCI's feed not any of the above
you: I surely know, but how is it possible that only gci shows different prices ?
Mini FX Dealer: the low on saxobank says 93.25 which is 1 pip difference
Mini FX Dealer: the market traded at your stop and it was filled
you: strongly disagree, the low at SAXO was 93.32 - 93.27 at 1:42 GMT
Mini FX Dealer: sorry the low for saxo is 93.31
Mini FX Dealer: now include our spread of 5
Mini FX Dealer: you are looking at a matter of one pip difference
Mini FX Dealer: or two pips \
Mini FX Dealer: sir our feed is accurate
Mini FX Dealer: your order was filled correctly
Mini FX Dealer: you are trading using our feed and our prices
you: its tree pips , and thats the problem, your feed isnt accurate, if is 2 or 3 pips different then other dealers. How is possible that only you have different prices. 3 other well known brokers shows that market went not thru price with you shows. When my SL was at 93,25 level and market lowest was 93.31 as you wrote, my possition should be reopened.
Mini FX Dealer: there is no way this position will be reopened
Mini FX Dealer: the market traded at your level and it was executed
Mini FX Dealer: yes the low is 93.31 which is an ask price.
Mini FX Dealer: if you include the 5 pip spread the bid price would be 26 which is about where your stop was.
you: no, my stop was 93.25
Mini FX Dealer: and this is just a comparison with saxabank. As I said you are trading using our feed which as shown is 1 pip different
Mini FX Dealer: one pip isn't much
Mini FX Dealer: There is nothing that will be doen the trade was fairly executed.
you: 1 pip could be lot of dollars difference .The market traded not at my level, only gci market traded at my level. would you be so kind and ask your superwiser about my case ?
Mini FX Dealer: there is nothing that will be done
Mini FX Dealer: our feed is accurate and you are trading using this feed
you: would you be so kind and ask your superwiser about my case ?
Mini FX Dealer: There is nothing to question.
Mini FX Dealer: that is where the market was and where is traded
you: its only your meaning, woudl you do it for me pls ?
Mini FX Dealer: If you wish the trade to be further reviewed please send an email to the dealing desk at fxdealing@gcitrading.com
you: they doesnt respond 3 days. Would ypou ask your superwiser now pls ?
Mini FX Dealer: Sir I have reviewed you case and it clearly showed without a doubt the your price was reached your stop and it was executed fairly.
you: ok, Whom I am talking to now pls ? 8.11.2006 9:17 GMT ?
Mini FX Dealer: The minifx dealer.
you: ok, do you have a name or identification number ?
you: should you send me a link , how to cancel my agreementr with you and withdraw my fund ?
Mini FX Dealer: Andrew
you: this chat would be copied and sended to well know trade servers, where would be GCI named as MARKET MAKERS.
you: Tx andrew, my name is Tomas, should you send me a link , how to cancel my agreementr with you and withdraw my fund ?
Mini FX Dealer: ok sir we created a bogus price just for to lose on a one lot trade?
Mini FX Dealer: if you go to any source there are one to two pip differences
Mini FX Dealer: between them
Mini FX Dealer: at anytime
Mini FX Dealer: if you are trading with any of the other brokers you use their price
Mini FX Dealer: I understand if there was and error in anyway but you set your stop the market reached the level and the stop was executed
you: correct, but other dealers showed same levels, only you were different .
Mini FX Dealer: if you had profited from this price could I have told you your order was not filled because saxo wasn't showing that price
you: How can I ensure the market price. You, as broker could make every price you want.
Mini FX Dealer: and what gain would that be to change a price so that one trader would lose on one lot.
Mini FX Dealer: and as you can see the difference in the feeds were not much
you: I understood that you are unable to reopened my possition. would you ask your superviser now, if he could do something with my case ?
Mini FX Dealer: what do you want done sir?
you: let xout superviser check my case again pls.
you: I would like to reopenen my possition, because merket doesnt reach this level, only GCI shows that market reached this level and when I ensured it by other dealers, its not true.
Mini FX Dealer: all broker have their own price feeds and sources.
Mini FX Dealer: you trade using our feed.
Mini FX Dealer: and i am assure you our feed is accurate
you: and I am assure you it is not
you: would you check my other problem, or you ll send me a link , how to cancel my agreementr with you and withdraw my fund ?
Mini FX Dealer: what other problem are you having?
you: 08/10/06, 17:02:21 CP 6549212 Crude Oil (Light S.) 1 B 08/10/06, 14:15:04 73.92 73.96 4.00 0.00 -1.00 3.00 1,618.84 1,618.84 0.00 DEALER CREATE_ORDR
you: 73.96 when market reach this level ?
Mini FX Dealer: please hold
Mini FX Dealer: at 17:00 the low 73.99
Mini FX Dealer: just subtract the spread and you can see it went through your price
you: what is it for contract, is it WBSU6 ?where you trade it ?
Mini FX Dealer: the trade was closed at 73.96
you: what is it for contract, is it WBSU6 ?where you trade it ?
you: Where do you trade your " Crude Oil " ?
Mini FX Dealer: the contract is still U6
Mini FX Dealer: it should roll on tuesday th 25th to V6
you: where, could you name the contract as it names CBOT, or NYSE ?
you: at what place do you trade it ?
you: Where should I ensure, that your feed is accurate ?
Mini FX Dealer: we trade crude oil (ligth sweet) futures
you: PLEASE ...
you: where ?
you: You are broker, where is your contract of Light sweet crude oil traded pls ?
you: Where should I ensure, that your feed is accurate ?
Mini FX Dealer: It is traded on th futures market
you: correct, agree, whitch one pls ? CBOT, NYME ? Where should I ensure, that your feed is accurate ? Otherewise I should sign GCI as Market makers. Should I somewhere ensure your feed ?
Mini FX Dealer: you can compare it prices on bloomberg or anywhere else
Mini FX Dealer: ligth sweet crude oil futures
you: no way, there are lot of them, and the prices are different from yours. could you name the contract as it names CBOT, or NYSE ? need SYMBOL.where is your contract of Light sweet crude oil traded pls ?
you: I did it already. No contract is similar to yours.

Chat InformationThank you for contacting GCI Financial Ltd. We look forward to seeing you in the future.

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to All

To, co tady napsal akcizur je čistá pravda, měl jsem u GCI účet první dva měsíce svého obchodování a nestačil sem
se divit jejich soustavnému manipulování s cenami, nemohl jsem pořádně otevřít ani zavřít pozici, aniž mi mi
neustále měnili cenu, limitní příkazy a stopky kolikrát úplně ignorovali a musel jsem zavírat ručně, no prostě
noční můra, problémy uváděné na tomto fóru v sekci forex jsou proti problémům s GCI malicherné!!!
Ardeus si za své semináře účtuje poměrně vysoké sumy a přitom tam podávají jen velice obecné informace,
podle mého názoru jsou nějak s GCI propojeni a Ardeus od nich dostává za nové klienty provize.
Ardeus nabízí za otevření účtu přes ně u GCI tzv. "bonusy", za miniúčet připíšou na účet 50 USD a za velký účet nad 2000 USD "bonus" 500 USD. Ale už tam zapomněli napsat, že po zrušení účtu u GCI si ty bonusové peníze vezmou zpátky,
GCI se ani neobtěžuje zasílat výpisy z účtu, zákaznický servis tam snad neexistuje!!!
P.S. Jednou mi z účtu zmizelo 375 USD, zrovna když se mi dařilo a Ardeus mi s tím nepomohl a GCI se ani
neobtěžovali zdůvodnit tuto ztrátu z účtu, STAY AWAY, je to banda kriminálníků!!!


To : all

Propojeni jsou - našla jsem to černé na bílém , když jsem se na ně proklikala z portálu www.vydělávej.cz ,
na kterém mají reklamu.

jasně je tam uvedeno, ze spolupracují, a že pracují nezávisle na sobě a neodpovídají jeden
za druhého .

Zdraví any


Dalsi problem, ktery nastava u GCI Grafu je ten, ze nezobrazuji GAPY.
U nich rychly narust ceny a cenovy skok je jedno a totez a neexistuje zadny zpusob jak to od sebe odlisit.
Podle me zamerne.
To znamena, ze kdyz mas v gapu nejaky SL, nebo Entry order, tak ti ho neexekuujou ( u me se jednalo o plusove pozice ), s odkazem, ze probehl cenovy skok - ktery ovsem nezobrazi na svem chartu.

Kdyz se ozves, ze treba u SAXA, ktery Gapy zobrazuje zadny gap na chartu neni, tak ti reknou, ze je ostatni brokeri nezajimaj. Takze odlisit kdy maji pravdu, a kdy si vse vymysleli opravdu nejde. Pokud je na to upozornis, dlouho Ti vasvetluji zakladni veci a kdyz se nakonec zeptas, proc nezobrazujou GAPY ukonci okamzite chat session a na maily do Belize neodpovidaji.

Pripada mi to jako podvod.

Ma nekdo z traderu jiny nazor ?

Pro dokresleni pripadu kopie chatu.

Please wait for one of our dealers to respond.
Chat InformationAll our dealers are currently assisting others. Thanks for your patience. A dealer will be with you shortly.
Chat InformationYou are now chatting with 'Mini FX Dealer'
Mini FX Dealer: Hello. How may I help you?
you: hello Tomas Cannot see my report and closing possitions panel was not executed : at my Entry stop level 6566699 at 1.2422 6566635 at 1, 2732 and Sl eu USd at 1, 2735hell
Mini FX Dealer: what is the ticket number of the position
you: Entry stop n was 6566699 and 6566635
Mini FX Dealer: those are not valid tickets
Mini FX Dealer: please recheck
you: cannot recheck dont see report end closing positions
you: those was valid position, was not executed
you: end so was Sl to EU USD at 1.2725
you: it was Entry Stops
you: posted about 12,28 GMT
Mini FX Dealer: are you sure they were stop or LIMIT?
you: Enry stop posted 12.28 number 6566699 and 6566635 positive sure.
you: at chF - 1,2422 and EU 1,2732
Mini FX Dealer: let me check
you: ok, take your time
Mini FX Dealer: so you are saying that they were not OPENED?
you: no
Mini FX Dealer: but we dont see any orders set to open at those rates
Mini FX Dealer: seems you removed them
you: i dint removed them
you: why ?
you: order usd jpy twice posted at same time was executed
you: correctly
Mini FX Dealer: they were not opened
Mini FX Dealer: and were removed by yourself
Mini FX Dealer: that is the reason why they are not up
you: no, I didnt removed them , I saw them as EOs
you: at 12.45 GMT at my platform
Mini FX Dealer: ok then why are those entry orders not in the orders pending anymore?
Mini FX Dealer: only reason is that you would remove them
Mini FX Dealer: they were not opened right?
you: and they disappeared at 12.48, when orders 6567333 for EU and ??? for Chf appears
you: You: ok then why are those entry orders not in the orders pending anymore? Me : thea disappeared at 12.48 and started 2 new ones with different entry prices and different order numbers
Mini FX Dealer: ok is see the situation
Mini FX Dealer: your stop orders were opened but a the market gapped prices
Mini FX Dealer: as you may note, market data was released at 8:30 at which the market prices gap
Mini FX Dealer: when this occurs the stops are slipped to the new market gapped prices to avoid scalping
you: I saw your charts also charts by other brokers and no gaps are seen.
you: they are seen usually at futures merket, sometimes at forex too, but this was not today. If it was , show me it at some chart pls.
Mini FX Dealer: moment plse
you: opk
Mini FX Dealer: ok please check your charts at 8:20
Mini FX Dealer: you willl see that the market gapped upward of 50 pips or more
you: Eastern time ?
you: with commodity ?
Mini FX Dealer: eastern time
Mini FX Dealer: for eur/usd
Mini FX Dealer: and usd/chf
you: GCI Chart ?
Mini FX Dealer: the platform chart yes
you: ok
you: ok i see the price goes higher, but no gap is seen. At GCI charts, I didnt cant see gaps, at other brokers ( SAXO ) gaps are seen. But not today !
Mini FX Dealer: ok what price jump do you see at 8:30??
Mini FX Dealer: by how many pips do you see the price gapping?
you: I do not see jump, I see continuous line or candlestick. The line is not interrupted. So is not interupted by SAXO or IB, where when gap ocurs, its seen on chart.
Mini FX Dealer: ok tell me the price at which the market jumped??
Mini FX Dealer: can you see that??
Mini FX Dealer: from where to where did it jump??
Mini FX Dealer: at 8:30
Mini FX Dealer: eastern time
you: the market was not jumped, the market rose.
Mini FX Dealer: well if you wish to use "rose"
Mini FX Dealer: but tell me from where to where?
you: if the market jumped I can see interupted line, but line or candlestick is not interupted with the hole.
Mini FX Dealer: sir will you please tell me at from where to where the market "rose" at 8:30 due to the key market data release?
you: 8.25 the line is at 2720, 8.26 the line is at 2725, 8.27 the line is at 2728, 8.28 the line is at 2730 etw ......
you: its seen on the chart, there is no gap at any time !
Mini FX Dealer: You are still NOT answering my question
you: your charts doesnt shows gaps, charts of other brokers does, but not today !
Mini FX Dealer: AT 8:30 FROM where to where did the market JUMP "rose"
Mini FX Dealer: ?
Mini FX Dealer: i am not asking about the previous time
Mini FX Dealer: i am asking about 8:30
Mini FX Dealer: ok
Mini FX Dealer: that is the time market data new was released
you: I answered, your chart shows :8.25 the line is at 2720, 8.26 the line is at 2725, 8.27 the line is at 2728, 8.28 the line is at 2730, at 8.29 the chart shows 2750, 8.30 the chart shows 2760,
you: the market continuesly rose from 8.28 to 8.30
you: my entry orders could be opened at 8.29 at Entry prices
Mini FX Dealer: sir send me that chart
you: I cant see any interupted line
Mini FX Dealer: the chart cleary shows at market price at 1.2720 at jumped to 1.2762 at 8:30
Mini FX Dealer: however you say it only jumed 10 pips
you: you can reach it at the intereet , at your platform 1 minutes EUR / USD , your java based platform
Mini FX Dealer: so please send us that chart showing the market rising only 10 pips ok
Mini FX Dealer: plse send us the chart ok
Mini FX Dealer: nevertheless there is nothing we can do with these tickets
Mini FX Dealer: they were slipped due to the market jumped price due to the data released at 8:30
you: Makket rice 50 pips with no gaps !
Mini FX Dealer: Ok if you want to USE "RISE" its the same thing ok
Mini FX Dealer: the market suddenly rose 50 pips
you: How could I recognice if market rose continueously or gapped from your charts ?
you: no, when it gapped , I see inerrupted lines or candlestick by other dealers charts, not by GCI.
Mini FX Dealer: at which ANY brokerage house will slip your stop to the new market "risen" price after the data release is issued
you: No they spil only when market gapped. It is seen from their chart. If the market not gapped, the line on chart continues and my possitions are executed.
you: How could I recognice if market rose continueously or gapped from your charts ?
Mini FX Dealer: sir we slip ALL stops whenever market data is released causing the price to suddenly "rise" by large amounts due to the fact that scalpers try to tend to quckly placed stops to make quick profits fromt he market jump in effect to the data released
Mini FX Dealer: it did not rise continuously it quickly went up by effect of the data release as it normally occurrs at the time of the release
you: thats nice and normal. It makes all brokers. But others shows the slippage with gaps on their chart. Why not you ?
Mini FX Dealer: we greatly advice you to be aware of the time of data releases since everytime this occurrs STOP are slipped to the the new jumped risen price
Mini FX Dealer: the quick market rise is quite obvious in the chart
you: Why not you ?
you: How could I recognice if market rose continueously or gapped from your charts ?
you: Would you answer my questions pls ?
Mini FX Dealer: well by simply looking at the chart
Mini FX Dealer: the quick rise is seen by all others
Mini FX Dealer: in direct effect of the data release
Mini FX Dealer: that rise was not continuous
you: what is the fifferency, when market rice quick, and when marked gapped . By other brokers the differency is seen by hole between 2 full candlesticks. Why not by you ?
Mini FX Dealer: so you are saying that the market did not suddenly rise at 8:30 by 50 or more pips due to the direct effect of data released at that time??
Mini FX Dealer: so the sudden rise did not occurr??
you: How can I ensure GCI words or feeds, other brokers didnt shows gaps today !! You also not, but my EO
Mini FX Dealer: well you may check ANY chart
Mini FX Dealer: and it will CLEARLY show you the sudden market jump at that time which you refuse to acknowledge
you: the market rose continuaeously from 8.29 to 8.30 as it shows your 1 minutes chart
you: if it gaps, the line will end on 8.30 at 27.25 and starts again at 8.30 2762
Mini FX Dealer: continuously??
you: but your chart hows continuaeously rising, the line was not interupted
Mini FX Dealer: you call a rise from 1.2720 to 1.2762 continous?
you: you are showing me continuous line !
Mini FX Dealer: give me your email address
you: blue one :-)
Mini FX Dealer: ill send you the chart
Mini FX Dealer: ??
you: I am trading according your platform. Your 1 minute chart shows continuous line.
Mini FX Dealer: ??
Mini FX Dealer: sir what do you expect to see??
Mini FX Dealer: its a RISE (JUMP) in the price
you: ok, what is the differency between quick rising and gapping at yout chart pls ?
Mini FX Dealer: there is not difference
Mini FX Dealer: its the same
Mini FX Dealer: however we call it a gap due to the fact that it rises ALOT of PIPs
Mini FX Dealer: from the regular update levels
Mini FX Dealer: you will be seeing these market jumps whenever data is being released
you: what is a lot ? It means when you say market gaps my EO cannot my executed at my level, and when you say market rise continuously my CAN be executed. How coulsd I ensure if market gaps or if it rice quick from your chart ?
you: Other brokers shows it with GAP - interupet line at the same time
Mini FX Dealer: that is why we greatly advice cleints to be AWARE of the times at which data will be released
you: or hole between 2 candlesticks
Mini FX Dealer: since those are the times at which the market prices become extremely volatile and suddenly rise by a large number of pips
you: How can I ensure it ? Yhour chart doesdn shows GAPS !
Mini FX Dealer: Well consider the rise gaps if you prefer to use the "rise" term ok
you: I now what is volatile market. But I dont know how to recognise gap from quick rising.
you: How coulsd I ensure if market gaps or if it rice quick from your chart ?
Mini FX Dealer: so whenever you see the "blue" line moving by a large number of pips upward it will be slipped to the new updated price on data release
you: Pls answer
Mini FX Dealer: i have told you
you: wha you dont show it with holes ?
Mini FX Dealer: consider the word "RISE" the same as "GAP" in the price if you prefer to use the word "RISE"
Mini FX Dealer: nevertheless there is nothing we can do with these positions
you: Why the market gapped only by GCI ?
Mini FX Dealer: Well others tend to use other word as RISE or UPDATED or JUMP
Mini FX Dealer: GCI uses GAP
you: Why the market gapped only by GCI ?
Mini FX Dealer: we have answered it
you: no others brokers doesnt show gaps today !
Mini FX Dealer: really!!
Mini FX Dealer: which other broker?
Chat InformationYou are not currently in a chat session.
Chat InformationYou are not currently in a chat session.
Chat InformationYou are not currently in a chat session.


Chcem pridat moje zkusenosti z firmou Adreus. Bola som u nich na dvoch skoleniach . Po skoleni prvom som bola nadsena a absolvovala som aj druhe za nie male peniaze / 5000kc jedno skolenie/ ale na druhom skoleni sa iba zvatsa opakovali inf. kt. som vedela z prveho sk. a stale dookola to iste, vela psychologie a omacky dookola a par prikazov a to bolo vsetko. Ked som sa potom jednoho kamosa pytala co znameńa na forexe hedgovac pozici tak sa mi divil ci som vobec bola na nejakom skoleni ked mam taketo medzery. A to som za to vysolila 10 000 kc. Takze uz ziadny ardeus, ich system vyucby nie je dostacujuci. To prve zakladne skolenie urcite nieco da uplnym zaciatocnikom ale ostatne uz nie.


Preji dobry den,
s majitelem (jednatelem/ ... ?) teto pseudofirmy jsem se dostal do diskuze kolem zari roku 2005 a po jeho 1-2 e-mailech mi bylo vse jasne ...
Malokdy se povede takto vystizne pojmenovat diskusni vlakno.
Dale to asi nema cenu "propirat" - pokud jste kdokoliv do brokera, doporucovane teto firmou, investoval jakoukoliv castku, jedna se zrejme o vyhozene ponize.
PS : o firme Ardeus se tu ale diskutovalo (a s podobnym vysledkem) temer pred rokem ...

S pozdravem kbtm

  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Dobry den,

musim dat vsem za pravdu. U GCI jsem byl skoro sest mesicu a je to banda podvodniku a diletantu. Vyhnete se tomuto brokerovi velkym obloukem!!!!! Je to nejjednodusi cesta jak prichazet o penize.

  • 2 months later...

Tak a dalsi pekna finta spolecnosti GCI.

Jako kazdy broker prijima a vyplaci ( Premium ), Swaps za drzeni pozice pres noc.

Po case mi bylo divne, ze ackoliv mam u nektrych pozic Premium dostat , je mi castka strzena.
Vysvetleni je hned po ruce.

Nekde hluboho pod carou, tenkym pismem je napsano, ze vyplaceni premii tak jak jim zobrazuje tabulka " Instruments "
v live platforme, je jen v pripade, ze si zmenim standartni margin 50 Usd na nestandartni 200 USD , coz u paky 1:200 opravdu nestandartni je.
Pokud pouzivam standartni ( coz asi vsichni, nebot jinou moznost GCI taktne zamlcela - aneb mate cist pod carou ), tak vsechny premia a to i ty, ktere bych mel dostat ja, mi GCI strhava. Takze vlastne platim at prodavam menu ci menu kupuji. Uz to povazuji za silne neeticke.

Vrchol vseho ovsem je, ze demo platforma jim beha pekne na 50 marginy a pritom premia virtualnimu zakazniku vyplaci.

Jine podminky u dema a jine u Live jiz nepovazuji za neeticke, ale za svinsvo.

S pozdravem
[bold] [/bold] :(


Možná trochu zbytečné téma, i když opatrnosti není nikdy dost, ale kdo chce opravdu obchodovat, tak při hledání brokera se přeci jen raději kousne a zvolí Ameriku a tedy i anglický jazyk a nějakou prověřenou společnost, přeci jen jde o těžce vydělané peníze, které nikdo nechce věnovat českým rádoby brokerům, kteří se ani v TV nestydí propagovat své obchodní praktiky ve stylu ''Obchodovat může každý, kdo si pořídí internet a funduje k nám potřebnou finanční částku. Toď vše!'' Samozřejmě o zmínění potřebného sebevzdělání nepadne ani slůvko, prostě nábor do 80%.


Já vím jen to, že jsem u Ardeusu začínala, protože jejich reklama mě sice zaujala, ale poučena českým kapitalismem jsem jí nedůvěřovala ani trochu, takže jsem jela na školení s tím, že pravděpodobně vyhazuji 5000 Kč, ale co kdybych se dozvěděla NĚCO.... No dozvěděla jsem se, že chci o tom vědět prostě víc, ale už ne od nich-a pak jsem už cíleně hledala na netu a objevila Finančníka. Teprve pak začalo moje skutečně vzdělávání v novém oboru mého života. Takže jsem sice prvních 5000 vyhodila, protože z jejich školení jsem si neodnesla absolutně vůbec nic krom toho zjištění, že o tom chci vědět víc. Tak nevím, nakonec jsem dospěla k názoru, že i toto zjištění mi za těch 5000 stálo, protože dneska už toho vím daleko víc, pohrávám si s live obchodováním, připravuji se na život full time obchodníka, a to vše by nebylo, kdybych nevyhodila těch provotních 5000 Kč.
Ale jinak všem, co se nyní rozhodují a vědí o více možnostech radím, pryč od ARDEUSu!

  • 1 month later...

Dobrý den,

nejdříve chci předeslat, že ani v nejmenším neuvažuji o jakémkoliv live obchodovaní přes GCI. Zajímá mě ale váš názor, co si myslíte o jejich platformě a datech v souvislosti s testováním? Je vhodná pro papertrading? Pokud ne, proč? Jdou metody TA popisované na finančníkovi uplatnit i na cfds?

Jsem 1-měsíční začátečník orientovaný na spíš na ID obchody. Nikde jinde jsem nenašel takto snadno dostupná ID data a i platforma se mi svou jednoduchostí zdá pro zkoušení příjemná..

Děkuji za odpovědi,



DObrý den,

data na GCI jsou zcela jiná a jejich platformu není možné použít na trénování komodit. Navíc zmíněná firma sídlí v offshore destinaci Belize, kde neexistuje vůbec žádná regulace trhů - firma si tedy může svá data s ledovým klidem vymýšlet a nikdo s tím nemůže nic udělat.


Dal jsem si trochu práce a porovnal 1min graf stejného titulu na GCI, barcharts a tradesignal. Všechny jsou stejné, jediný rozdíl je ve zpoždění, které je u GCI 1h. Jejich demo je ale s timto spožděním synchronizované.
IB demo má živá data, ale Tradesignals uvádějí zpoždění 10-20min = pro mě nepoužitelná kombinace. Nenašel jsem zatím žádný jiný zdroj živých, nezpožděných dat, nebo synchronizovaně zpožděnou platformu.

Předpokládejme, že na Belize nesedí nikdo kdo by si vymýšlel zkreslená data, ale že jejich grafy jsou srovnatelné s ostatními. Dejme tomu, že vyberu titul, který má podobnou volatilitu jako komodita nebo index, který bych chtěl v budoucnu obchodovat: může být takovýto trénink na GCI přínosem, nebo je spíš riziko, že získám špatné návyky?
Lze na takovémto trhu vytvářet a testovat obch. systém?

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