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Komentáře a tipy k vývoji měnových párů - II.

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díky všem.
už mám prográmek a jde to i tím print screen. Prográmek je dobrej že se mi to rovnou uloží do složky ve formátu JPG.
ještě jednou díky, byla to hrozná pakárna vypisovat si všechny entry, stopky a limity. Teď si to jednou klávesou vyblejsknu a je to.


Přišel mi docela zajímavý e-mail z IBFX, vypada to jako by se už dopředu jistili :D

US: FOMC Meeting Announcement
Release time: Aug 8, 2006 - 2:15 PM EDT!
Take a look at our new Economic Calendar - www.interbankfx.com/economic_calendar.php
And watch the news releases in real time from your platform.

The Federal Open Market Committee consists of the seven Governors of the Federal Reserve Board and five Federal Reserve Bank presidents. The FOMC meets eight times a year in order to determine the near-term direction of monetary policy. Changes in monetary policy are now announced immediately after FOMC meetings.

The consensus estimate of industry analysts for tomorrows meeting is for the FMOC to “Pause” their over 2 year campaign in raising rates, and leave the fed funds rate at 5.25%.

As with all significant economic releases there could be significant price volatility with this announcement. Currency spreads will typically widen just before the release and will remain wide for a few minutes after. If the announcement is a shock to the consensus estimate, the price of the currency pair could gap significantly. For example the price on the EURUSD trading at 1.2820 - 1.2822 just before the release could gap up 60 pips to 1.2880 -1.2882, without any prices available between the price of 1.2820 and 1.2882. A Buy Stop placed before the announcement at 1.2830 would turn into a Market Order and would be filled at the prevailing price after the But Stop is triggered. Which price could be significantly higher than the original Entry Buy Stop Order of 1.2830. The same is true with a Sell Stop.

Some four years ago we saw a gap of approximately 200 pips on the GBPUSD on a Non-farm payroll announcement. While this is an extreme example, this is what is possible with trading during economic announcements.

I would like to thank you for your continued support and wish you success in your trading.

Best Regards,

Todd B. Crosland
Chairman and President
Interbank FX


dobrý alibismus,.. pokud bude skutečnost jiná než odhad...a kdyby něco - my jsem tě kliente upozornili.., zajímalo by mne přes koho a za kolik mají hedging, ty deklarované 2 pipsy jsou dobré lákadlo, ale při datech hodně velká iluze..


no fakt, za chvíli kilo-stránka..:-), a zrovna na den FEDu - symbolika, dnes to vidím hodně růžově..:-):-)

mám u eura entry na zhruba včerejším PP - 1,2850 s více loty, uvidíme...:-)


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