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Jak vypnout activity statement email?

Každý den mi přijde email s předmětem Interactive Brokers Activity Statement Notification for 20120507, který má v podstatě hodnotu spamu, nemůžu nikde najít kde kliknout, aby mi to neposílali.

díky, jirka

  • 1 month later...


to je nahodou docela zajimava otazka. ja mam ucet u IB uz skoro rok, taky se mi podle nejakeho klice rozdeluje ucet na Securities a Commodities a priznam se, ze tomu taky zrovna moc nerozumim. Uz jsem se tady na to ve vlakne IB cca pred 4 mesici ptal, a nikdo mi neodpovedel, jak presne tomu mam rozumet a hlavne, jak s tim pracovat.

At se dari,


Je to zvláštne.

Ja obchodujem len Futures, ale plnú hodnotu mám len v stľpci Securities.
Pritom som nikdy neobchodval akcie.
Stľpec Commodities mám nulový.

A teraz babo raď.



Securities a Commodities představují dva podúčty, které se liší podle toho s čím se obchoduje. US zákony vyžadují po brokerovi aby držel peníze odděleně protože se tam pravidla liší - podle SEC nebo CFTC. Účet lze nastavit třemi způsoby - nedělat nic nebo si vybrat, kam převést volné prostředky. viz níže


Your Interactive Brokers Universal Account is authorized to trade securities products, commodities/futures products and Foreign Exchange ("forex") transactions and therefore consists of two underlying accounts, a securities account governed by rules of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and a futures account governed by rules of the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC).

Whether you have assets in an IB securities account or in an IB futures account, your assets are protected by U.S. federal regulations governing how brokers like IB must protect your property and funds. In the IB securities account, your assets are protected by SEC and SIPC rules (Note: foreign currency is protected to the extent used to purchase securities). In the IB futures account, your assets are protected by CFTC rules requiring segregation of customer funds. You are also protected by IB's strong financial position and our conservative risk management philosophy. See IB's Strength & Security page.

[bold] As part of the IB Universal Account service, you have authorized IB to automatically transfer funds as necessary between your IB securities account and your IB futures account in order to satisfy margin requirements in either account. [/bold]

Please note:

•All IB customer deposits are initially received into the IB securities account and will remain in that account unless you choose commodities sweep below.
•Selecting "securities" sweep below is strongly recommended for any customer identified as a securities pattern day trader.
•Regardless of your choice, IB will generally keep a small buffer of excess margin funds in each account in order to prevent excessive transfers back and forth as your margined securities and futures positions fluctuate in value.

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  • 1 month later...

Jak rozdělit pozici v TWS na 2 řádky?

Shodou okolností mám otevřené 2 strategie v SPY na ceně 141 a TWS mi to sloučila do jednoho řádku a počet pozic mi sečetla. Je možné rozdělit řádek z řekněme 10-ti pozicemi v TWS na dva řádky po 5-ti pozicích?

díky, jirka

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