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Pro info, dnes to mají nějaké rozbité,kdo jede s Infinity:

A price feed has been compromised feeding the Sierra Chart software. All trading connections are intact. We are currently working to regain connection with Sierra Charts.


jen upresnim. data jsou v pohode. lze obchodovat. jedine co nefunguje , je Sierra. resp. netecou do ni data. uz vcera s tim byl problem.

opat. od koho mas tu "hlasku"? od infi? me nikdo nic neposlal.


Pravda, už včera to nějak blbnulo. Hlášku mám od helpsesku transactfutures, konkrétně od Roba Skeltona.
To je sice fajn, že obchodovat jde, ale bez grafů to jde fakt blbě :-)


ma to dve stranky:


[4:30:31 PM] Stephen Coffman says: sierra is doing some sort of maintenence i think
[4:30:51 PM] Stephen Coffman says: i have no time frame

SCH :))
There is a communication problem to the TransAct server. The TransAct server may be unavailable during part of the weekend and briefly after the markets close. There may be other causes of this. Please see help topic 1.2:
If you need further help, contact TransAct support.

P.S: Je to prast jak uhod, zkratka to chvilku nejelo, to se stava i sampionum :)


Daval jsem dotaz ohledne obchodovani primo z grafu na support Sierry. Zde jsou vysledky ( snad to nekomu pomuze ):

trade directly from the charts; Infinity brokerage

I use Infinity brokerage as broker and my trading software is Sierra chart. Now I use InfinityAT DOM for order entry, SL and PT. I want to trade directly from the Sierra charts. I have some questions in this way of trade:

1) Can I order entry concurrently DOM InfinityAT and Sierra charts?
2) If I put entry, SL and PT in DOM InfinityAT, will I see entry price, SL and PT on Sierra charts?
3) If I put entry, SL and PT on Sierra charts, will I see entry price, SL and PT in DOM InfinityAT?
4) Can I trade from DOM InfinityAT and then manage trade ( trail SL and PT ) on Sierra charts?
5) Where are hold the order entries, SL and PT - in Sierra or on Stock exchange?
6) If I loss connection and I have open trade where will I call for close all my position? Is it my broker or Sierra support? Who can do it?

Senior Member[/bold]

Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 278
Default Re: trade directly from the charts; Infinity brokerage

Admin or Max can be more helpful, but in general, the chart trading takes the place of the InfinityAT DOM, they dont talk to each other, you order goes right to TA from the Charts.

6) All trade issue go through the Broker.

Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level[/bold]

Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 13,697
Default Re: trade directly from the charts; Infinity brokerage

1. Yes of course.
2. Yes.
3. Yes
4. I am not quite sure about this because the transact AT software manages the stop limit and price target itself and if you start manipulating them from Sierra Chart, it could confuse it. But I really don't know the answer to this. You have to try it and see.
5. With Transact, they are managed on the client-side. Not at the exchange.
6. You will always contact your broker or the clearing company, Transact. Never Sierra Chart. We are not a broker and we do not manage any trades.

Senior Member[/bold]

Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 1,720
Default Re: trade directly from the charts; Infinity brokerage

I use IB not Infinity.

The way I look at it is this. Sierra is a tool (a good one) that makes it easy for me to drive IB's trading interface. But its just the front end. So, I practice from time to time how to drive IB's TWS directly ... that way if anything goes wrong with SierraChart or with my PC I am ready to deal with IB's TWS. Then, on my desk I have IB's phone number so that if everything on the computer goes wrong I'm ready to call them and shut the trades down person to person.

You need to get all those ducks in a row so that if the technological gremlins hit you can shut things down without too much stress.

Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level[/bold]

Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 13,697
Default Re: trade directly from the charts; Infinity brokerage

This is all good advice.

Uz jste nekdo zkousel obchodovat primo z grafu? Jake mate zkusenosti?


to jadvig

stale o tom uvazuji obchodovat z grafu, mam posledni verzi sierry a nejvyssi level ale nejak me to nebehalo ani sim a tak jsem to vzdal ale chtel bych to mit i v grafu jako je to v Ninja trader, a jeste jednavec by byla fajn ale bohuzel sierra ji zatim neposkytuje a to je automaticke vykreslovani hodnoty..myslim cary podobne TL u swingu, jako to ma zase NT. pokud budete nekdo vedet kde a jak a s kym to prodiskutovat tak to udelejte nebo dejte vedet.
diky at se dari

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