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chci se vás zeptat, možná je to trochu mimo toto vlákno, omlouvám se. Nikde jsem adekvátní k mému dotazu. Tak se na mě prosím nezlobte.

Předpokládám, že někteří z Vás dostali ICE Bulletin v mailu.

Problém je v tom, že nějak nechápu ty limity.

Byl by jste někdo tak hodný a objasnil mi je?

předem děkuji




January 6, 2009

Stock Index Futures Contract Daily Price Limits For First Quarter 2009

Exchange Rules provide for Daily Price Limits for all stock index futures contracts. The limit amounts for each product are reset on a quarterly basis. Limit amounts for the First Quarter 2009 are as follows:



Russell 1000 Mini

Russell 2000 Mini

NYSE Composite

Stock Index Price Limits – FAQ

1. How are the stock index price limits calculated?

Stock index price limits are established quarterly for each stock index futures contract. The percentages of 10% (Level 1 Limit), 20% (Level 2 Limit) and 30% (Level 3 Limit) are based on the average closing price of the lead month futures contract during the month prior to the end of each quarter (December, March, June and September). The average closing price of the lead month futures contract determines the level for the next quarter. For example, for the Russell 2000 Mini Index futures contract, the 10% or Level 1 Limit is computed as 10% of the average Russell 2000 Mini Index lead month futures contract closing price rounded down to a multiple of 10 index points. The 20% limit is twice the 10%, and the 30% limit is three times the 10% limit. For each other Index futures contract, the Limit levels are calculated in this same manner based on closing prices for that product.

2. How does the 10% or Level 1 Limit work?

The 10% or Level 1 Limit is initiated if the lead month futures contract is limit offered, i.e., the number of Level 1 points for the quarter subtracted from the previous day’s Settlement Price. Once this has occurred, trading on the futures contract will cease for a period of a few minutes in order to give market participants time to enter orders and prepare for an orderly resumption of trading. The Exchange will announce to the market the time at which the resumption will occur. When the market resumes after this halt, the 20% or Level 2 Limit will go into effect. After 2:30 p.m. New York time, the 10% or Level 1 Limit is removed and the 20% or Level 2 Limit becomes the effective limit. (At this time, a trading halt is required to effect an expansion from the Level 1 to Level 2 Limit, so the procedures outlined in the paragraph above will be followed at all times during the trading day. Future enhancements to the trading platform will eliminate the need for a halt in this instance, and when completed will allow for an automatic daily expansion from Level 1 to Level 2 with no halt required.)

3. How does the 20% or Level 2 Limit work?

The 20% or Level 2 Limit is very similar to the 10% or Level 1 limit. It is initiated once the lead month futures contract is limit offered, i.e., the number of Level 2 points for the quarter subtracted from the previous day’s Settlement Price. Once this has occurred, trading on the futures contract will cease for a period of a few minutes in order to give market participants time to enter orders and prepare for an orderly resumption of trading. The Exchange will announce to the market the time at which the resumption will occur. When the market resumes after this halt, the 30% or Level 3 Limit will go into effect.

4. What is the maximum daily limit?

The maximum daily limit is 30% or Level 3, i.e., the number of Level 3 points for the quarter subtracted from the previous day’s Settlement Price. Trading can occur at or above this limit and cannot trade below it.

5. Does the daily price limit for stock index futures affect trading of options on these contracts?

Yes. Whenever a Level 1 or Level 2 trading halt is declared for a futures contract, trading of options on that future will also halt and will only resume when trading in the futures contract resumes. However, there is one exception. On an option’s last trading day, there is no maximum daily price limit for the option and the option will continue to trade.

6. Are the ICE Futures U.S. stock index price limits coordinated with the primary securities market?

Yes. ICE Futures U.S. stock index price limits are coordinated with the price limit policies in the primary securities markets. NYSE Rule 80B provides for price limits based upon a 10%, 20% and 30% decline in the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA). NYSE Rule 80B provides that, if the DJIA declines by 10% prior to 2:00p.m., trading will be halted for one hour. If the DJIA declines by 10% after 2:00 p.m. but before 2:30 p.m., trading will be halted for a half-hour. After 2:30 p.m., the 10% limit becomes inapplicable and the 20% limit becomes effective. Further, if the DJIA declines by 20% prior to 1:00 p.m., trading is halted for two hours. If the DJIA declines by 20% after 1:00 p.m. but prior to 2:00 p.m., trading will be halted for one hour. If the DJIA declines by 20% after 2:00 p.m., the market is closed for the remainder of the trading day. Finally, there is an absolute limit of 30%. If the DJIA declines by 30%, the market is closed for the remainder of the trading day. Activity on the NASDAQ and the AMEX exchanges are coordinated with NYSE Rule 80B.

7. What happens to stock index futures and options trading when the primary securities market declares a trading halt?

Whenever the NYSE declares a trading halt, ICE Futures U.S. will halt trading in its stock index futures and options trading. ICE Futures U.S. will only resume trading when trading resumes on the NYSE.

8. Are the stock index price limits in effect for both up and down markets?

No. Price limits are in effect for down markets only.

9. Do these daily price limits apply to both electronic and floor trading of these products?

Yes, the limits apply to stock index products regardless of whether they are listed for trading on the platform or the floor.

10. Are trading halts and ensuing expansion of limits handled separately for each product or will a trading halt and subsequent expansion of limits apply to all products?

For all listed stock index products, the Exchange will base the determination to halt trading and to move expanded limits (from the Level 1 to the Level 2 limit, or from the Level 2 to the Level 3 Limit) on price movement in the Russell 2000 Mini Index futures contract. For example, should the Russell 2000 Mini Index futures contract decline by the amount of the Level 1 Limit then in effect for that contract, trading will be halted in all stock index products (even if other such products have not declined to their own Level 1 Limit at that time) and when electronic trading resumes for all products, the respective Level 2 Limit level will be in effect for each product. Despite the use of the Russell 2000 Mini Index futures contract in determining when to trigger a trading halt and expansion of limits, each stock index contract remains subject to the relevant pric e limit for that contract. That is, if Level 1 Limits are in place, no trade can occur in the Russell 1000 Mini Index futures contract at a price that is below the prior day Settlement Price for that contract by more than the Level 1 limit for that contract.

Please click on the link below to view the exchange notice regarding:
ICE Futures U.S. Russell Exchange Member Fee Program Extended Through 3/31/2009

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Ja jsem jenom novacek, ale napisu ti jak to chapu ja. Verim, ze to chapu spravne, nicmene nemam z praxe zadnou zkusenost respektive nemam zadnou praxi.

Takze jde o Limitni pohyby, ktere se uplatnuji jen ve smeru dolu. Jsou tam tri druhy limitnich pohybu, kdy ktery plati je tam v anglictine popsano. Kdyz je pohyb trhu smerem dolu vetsi nez limitni pohyb, jinym slovy trh se kompletne utrhl, tak se obchodovani na burze na nejakou dobu zastavi. Po nejakem case burza obchodovani opet otevre. Kdy ? to pisou, ze daji vedet, predpokladam na webu (domnenka). Ted ti zkusim popsat priklad primo na Russelu 2000, tak jak si myslim by takova situace probihala:

Open je 500
Cena se hybe nahoru a dolu a najednou se utrhne a pada o 41 bodu dolu. V ucinnosti je momental ten prvni limitni pohyb 10% a ten je prorazen. Cena je treba 459 a obchodovani je proste zastaveno. Po 30 minutach (naprosty odhad muze to by vice ci mene, fak nevim) burza obchodovani otevre a ted uz je v platnosti limitni pohyb 20%. A tak to jde porad,tak jak je to v tech pravidlech.

Ve strucnosti, tyto pravidla, maji ochranit urcity index pred prilisnym propadem.
Ja kdyz zacinam obchodni den, tak se podivam kolik bylo open no a kdyz v nejaky moment pozdeji, cena udela, tak zasadni pohyb smerem dolu napr 35 bodu, tak bych uz v zadnem pripade nelezl do obchodu, at nahodou nezustanu viset v trhu, kdyz se zastavi obchodovani. To bych mel asi infarktove stavy :)


Akorat tam mam chybu v tom, ze podstatny neni Open toho daneho den, ale Settlement price z predchoziho dne. Od tooho se pocita ten limitni pohyb.
Ja jsem to totiz cetl uz mesic zpatky a ted jsem to jen tak proletel :) Budu to jeste muset poradne nastudutovat nez zacnu.


Ahoj Hanslama,

není zač. :)

Já jsem dlužníkem, bez tvé pomoci a dalších kolegů bych to měl o hodně komplikovanější.

Za to moc velké díky, moc si toho vážím.

Díky za tip na translátor, o tomto jsem nevěděl. Už jsem ho dal do oblíbených a hnedka ho otestuji.




chcem na obchodovanie pouzivat Ninja Trader a Zenfire od Mirus Futures. Cez ich stranku som sa dostal k otvoreniu uctu u RCG.
Prave si otvaram ucet u RCG cez tu ich online aplikaciu. Zatial som to este neodoslal.
Pytal som sa u RCG na komisie za obchod a odpovedali mi ze je to "$7.00 plus clearing and exchange fees"
Ale Mirus Futures ma komisie nizsie.
Kto bude moj broker a kto mi bude uctovat komisie?
Alebo som nieco poplietol?
Poradite mi ako mam postupovat dalej?
Dakujem za odpovede.


Martin: v příloze posílám komise u MF. Jsem nováček, ale předpokládám, že tohle mi bude strhávat MF. Proč je to na webu RCG nevím. Pokud někdo ví ze zkušenějších kolegů, proč je tam "$7.00 plus clearing and exchange fees", budu rád za odpověď. Tvůj broker bude MF a jak už tady padlo - RCG je zúčtovací středisko u kterého máš peníze. Tak zatím J.



Zdravím všechny, měl bych dotaz: - obchodujete někdo FESX přes Mirus? - pokud ano, musí být účet u RCG v UK a nebo je to jedno. (já mám v Chicagu) - na stránkách MF je tabulka a jak jsem z toho pochopil, tedy jestli to chápu dobře. Trhy TF, ES, a atd. můžeme obchodovat z grafu i z DOMu Trhy Eurexu (FDAX, FESX, ......) jen z DOMu??? Díky za odpovědi :) J



Rad bych se zeptal na jednu vec, ninja mam uz nakou dobu nainstalovany ale uz mi nebehaji data jako pri obchodovani, vsechno se zastavilo, max se zobrazi graf ale bez zadne aktivity.

Poradte prosim nekdo, diky ;)


To wacho:

nejspíš budeš muset "přerolovat" kontraktní měsíc. Nepíšeš, jaký trh sleduješ, ale jestli to jsou indexy, tak ty se obchodují vždy po kvartálech (3 měsících, snad se nepletu). Nejspíš máš nastavený kontraktní měsíc 08-12, který se již neobchoduje.

Aby ti běhaly data, musíš si to změnit na 09-03 a vše bude OK.



Zdravím,ve středu jsem fundoval účet podle pokynů od AJ a chci se zeptat jak zhruba dlouho vám trvalo,
než vám přišlo potvrzení o nafundování účtu.Začínám být maličko nervozní jestli to všechno proběhlo tak jak mělo.
Stále čekám na odpověď.


T.M. taky jsem byl nervozní. Fundoval jsem třikrát a nejdéle to bylo 4 pracovní dny, potvrdit od brokera ti to mohou až následující den. Tak plašit začni až od středy večer:-)



Ahoj, jak jsem psal. Já jsem peníze odeslal v pátek 2.1. a 6.1. mi v noci přišel z RCG mail, že se mám podívat do svého účtu do RCG. Aj mi psal pak v úterý odpoledne a poslal další údaje k NT.

Jinak poplatek za převod do Chicaga byl 680,- Kč. Přes internet banku.


PS: Obchodujete někdo FESX přes RCG v Chicagu a MF?


Téma je uzavřené.

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