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to Paninvest: to já byl taky a až se mě to zas stane, tak budu znovu, nejlepší bylo, že jsem si vše desetkrát zkontroloval před prvním ostrým vstupem a když došlo k vyplnění, přestala fungovat platforma a já musel hned napoprvé volat na podporu, při tom mě tekl pot po zádech a koktal jsem do telefonu :)

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Vsem bych doporucoval dnes neobchodovat a bombit brokera mailama o potvrzeni vyresenych problemu!
Az pak bych obchodoval... a v pripade opakovani stejneho problemu, zavrit ucet a jit jinam.

Od brokera se chce jedine - aby fungoval. Pokud nebudete mit duveru v brokera, tak to je dalsi zbyecna "polozka strachu" do psychologie obchodovani, a to zodpovedny trader nesmi dopustit.


aktuální info z podpory MF v původním znění, je to trochu ukecaný, tak ať případně admin nechá jen shrnutí.

Shrnutí: Vypadá to dobře, ale za nic neručíme.

2:59 PM Support session established with Chris.
3:00 AM Jiri:
Hi Chris
3:00 AM Chris:
Hello, how may I help you today?
3:00 AM Jiri:
has all issued been resolved? Can you confirm it is 100% to trade in todays session?
3:00 AM Jiri:
correction: Have all issues been resolved?
3:01 AM Jiri:
100% save I mean :)
3:01 AM Chris:
The issue was third party ISP
3:01 AM Chris:
currently all connections seem stable
3:02 AM Jiri:
You dont sound very convincing
3:02 AM Chris:
did you get out email?
3:02 AM Jiri:
Yes I did, I appreciate it
3:02 AM Chris:
Again it wasnt a problem with zen fire or mirus
3:02 AM Jiri:
but i lost money yesterday and I want to know if it is save to trade today
3:03 AM Chris:
third party Internet provider went down
3:03 AM Chris:
it didnt affect all users
3:03 AM Jiri:
ok ok ok, I am asking just one question: Is is 100% to trade in todays session?
3:04 AM Chris:
and I will again tell you we are connect here and all seems fine
3:04 AM Chris:
I cant tell you if it will go down again
3:04 AM Jiri:
i see
3:04 AM Chris:
it is part of the dangers of electrinic trading
3:05 AM Chris:
internet is not gauranteed
3:05 AM Chris:
neither is electricity
3:05 AM Chris:
we do have the trade desk
3:05 AM Jiri:
well i know of other brokers who never have issues like that and who do not blame third party when things go wrong
3:05 AM Jiri:
thanks bye
3:06 AM Chris:
we try to eleminate as much risk as possible of course
3:06 AM Chris:
we want to protect our clients the best we know how
3:06 AM Chris:
I hope you understand that to be true
3:07 AM Chris:
we want to keep you in the game as much as possible
3:07 AM Chris:
just let us know if you have any more questions
3:07 AM Jiri:
I appreciate your effort
3:08 AM Jiri:
I will stay off and just watch for a period then
3:08 AM Chris:
we will continue to improve our performance
3:08 AM Jiri:
thanks for the info, good luck, must be tough days for you guys
3:08 AM Chris:
it really looks safe to trade this morning
3:09 AM Chris:
for ANY reason you see a red light in the lower corner of your control center just stay clear until we can confirm any issue have been resolved
3:10 AM Jiri:
how would you confirm that? via email or should i connect here ?
3:10 AM Chris:
here or email
3:10 AM Chris:
phoines were a bit difficult yesterday
3:10 AM Jiri:
ok thanks
3:10 AM Chris:
the people in position when we go down get the priority
3:11 AM Chris:
if your not in a live position try to give us time to pull these guys out
3:11 AM Chris:


to jirib: tak jsem to přelousk, snad už to tam maj v poho, ale já dnes určitě do toho nejdu! Stejně se už pár tejdnů držím stranou, mám asi nějakej blok?!

to all: zda někdo zkusí jít live, dejte vědět, jak jim to chodí a hodně štěstí!



od Byrona pred minutou:

Thank you for your note. Although unforeseen incidents can happen, everything appears to be stable now. The Zen-Fire developers identified the problem at the exchange relating to an ISP and was resolved yesterday.


to Marvik:
Nemyslím si že dnes niekto bude obchodovať live, to by bol asi dosť veľký hazard.

to jirib:
To si mu pekne napísal: „well i know of other brokers who never have issues like that and who do not blame third party when things go wrong „. Osobne ma aj v bežnom živote vytáča keď sa niekde vyhovárajú: to nie my, my za to nemôžeme. Priznám sa že som detailne nečítal všetky tie papiere, ale stavím sa že to tam majú ošetrené. Takže jediný spôsob riešenia je prípadná zmena, ale to sa mi naozaj nechce. Som u Mirusu od 6/2009 a zatiaľ som bol vždy mimo, keď sa niečo podobné zomlelo. Ale nabudúce sa mi to už nemusí podariť.



takovy poznatek k tem co obchoduji na Eurexu, pokud vim, tak pro vetsinu US-brokeru je mimo-US burza take "treti stranou"... A jakykoli problem primo na burze, ktery zavini ztratu je pak prez US brokera skoro nevymahatelna...
schvalne se poptejte brokeru. Samozrejme zalezi na politice konkretniho brokera..

Obzvlast bych zvazil riziko obchodovani Eurexu u Mirusu, to tak vypada ze pro ne "treti strana" je uplne vsechno...


Tak mám za sebou první obchod...ze zbabělosti/opatrnosti jsem posunul SL na BE+1, kam se trh vrátil aby potom pokračoval do longu ale hlavně že to funguje a že jsem bez další ztráty.



Toto vysvetleni vcerejsich problemu mi prislo na email. Mozna to vsichni nemate (soudim, dle otazek),tak to tu davam. I pro ty co se rozhoduji ci Mirus nebo nekdo jiny. Tak jde videt, ze se snazi chyby eliminovat a vyslyset zakazniky. Hodne se to resilo na oficialnim NT foru. Ted uz zmineny email:

Update from Zen-Fire:
Level3, XO and Global Crossing Outage

There was a major internet outage this morning along the east coast significantly impacting the capacity of the region. Three core internet service providers each experienced interruptions leading to the loss of internet access for users or extremely slow connections while attempting to route through alternate paths.

As a result, orders routing to the data center were held up for long periods of time before reaching the Zen-Fire trading engine. Although not all Zen-Fire users were affected, the number of interruptions required the order routing services to be restarted forcing users to reconnect on a more stable path.

As the premier network and market data solution, Zen-Fire is implementing the following steps to prevent or minimize the impact of large-scale internet outages in the future.

1. Inform traders of a potential issue

Zen-Fire is working to integrate a RSS feed alerting users of the status of Internet connections. This service will be used to alert potential issues and keep traders informed on the latest developments.

2. Provide an alternate login to check order status and flatten positions

A new web based trading application will be available next month that will provide a mechanism for traders to check the real-time status of orders and positions. Traders will be able to send a 'Flatten' command directly to the engine and avoid any 3rd party trading application. This tool will only show orders that have made it to the engine and can be used to confirm the status of 'pending' orders on other platforms.

3. Addition of new ISPs

Though previously relying on the core Internet Providers, additional regional ISPs are being integrated over the weekend to serve as emergency backup when the majors become unresponsive. In rare cases, they may be used to carry the primary load for short periods of time or serve as excess bandwidth during minor outages.

4. Closer integration with 3rd party platforms

The Zen-Fire development team is working with 3rd party developers to help improve the stability and efficiency of their platforms by helping to make them more closely integrated with the engine.

Mirus Futures strives to deliver the ultimate brokerage experience through industry-leading technology and client services. Empowering self-directed traders with Zen-Fire, we will continue to provide access to the same high-speed market data and order routing used by professional firms and institutions world-wide.

If you have any further questions regarding the technical details of the outage, please contact your broker for more information. Please free to contact us with any additional questions you may have at info@mirusfutures.com.


Pozdrav všem , před chvílí mi konečně zmizely z WebTraderu nevyplněné příkazy. Je to obrovská úleva. Chlapci mne drželi v napětí cca od 9 do 19 hodin , takže jsem pěkně vyštavený. Poučení je pro mne jasné. Zapracovat na anglině a v případě opakování přejít k novému brokerovi. Do dnes jsem byl spokojen , ale ten stres za to nestojí. Je úplně jasné , že v jakémkoli sporu s brokerem nemám šanci. Tímto pro dnešek končím a jdu na jedno nebo ... ( viz. příloha ) L.P.


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