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Komentáře a tipy k vývoji měnových párů - IV.

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ja se jich na to vyslovene ptal, bo me pobourilo, ze mam minus trojuroky :-), tak mi to vysvetlili...


Dear Radovan,

Rollover interest is calculated at 5:00pm EST except on Friday when it is calculated at 4:00pm EST. According to the ticket information for account xxxxx, all short positions for GBP/JPY will result in an interest cost of -24.20 USD per standard lot. Due to it being Wednesday, triple rollover rates were applied to any position opened after 5:00pm EST.

The rollover or interest rate for various currency pairs can be found inside the ( "Dealing Rates" tab > IntBuy or IntSell within the "Charting Window" ) or by using the ( "Dealing Rates Window" > Advanced > IntBuy or IntSell ).

If you have any further questions, feel free to email us at dealingsupport@cmsfx.com or by using our Online Live Help Chat at www.cmsfx.com


John C M Lee
Dealing Support
Capital Market Services, LLC
Empire State Building
350 Fifth Avenue
Suite 6400
New York, NY 10118


Dear Radovan,

Rollover refers to the process of closing open position for today's value date and the opening of the same position for the next day's value date at a price reflecting the difference in interest rates between the two currencies and is required because, in the spot forex market, all trades must be settled in two business days. In accordance with international banking practices, CMS automatically rolls over all open positions to the next date at 17:00 EST for settlement. Rollover involves exchanging the position being held for a position expiring the following settlement date. For example, for trades executed on Monday, the value date is Wednesday.

The exception is a position opened and held overnight on Wednesday. The normal value date would be Saturday; because banks are closed on Saturday the value date is actually the following Monday. Due to the weekend, positions held overnight on Wednesday incur or earn an extra two days of interest. Trades with a value date that falls on a holiday will also incur or earn additional interest. CMS clients can earn interest on rollovers, depending on the direction of their positions and interest rate differential between the two currencies involved.

If you have any further questions, feel free to email us at dealingsupport@cmsfx.com or by using our Online Live Help Chat at www.cmsfx.com


John C M Lee
Dealing Support
Capital Market Services, LLC
Empire State Building
350 Fifth Avenue
Suite 6400
New York, NY 10118

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