dneska na mě u IB vykoukl nějaký update dat...máte s tímto někdo, prosím nějaké zkušenosti? Obchoduji spready, mám balíček US Bundle a ICE . Možná můžu zaškrtnout cokoliv, když neobchoduji stocks, ETFs and warrants.
Děkuju Ondra
Account Configuration
Pricing Structure
IB offers two pricing structures for stocks, ETFs and warrants:
Flat Rate - You are charged a single flat rate that includes all commissions and fees. You are not charged separately for exchange fees, clearing fees, regulatory fees, etc.
Cost-Plus - You are charged a smaller, volume-based commission that does not include exchange, clearing, regulatory or other third-party fees. You are charged separately on a pass-through basis for those fees. You may be eligible to receive rebates depending on the types of orders you place (i.e., exchange rebates for adding liquidity).
For more information, see the Commissions page on our website.
If you trade in large volumes or tend to add liquidity, generally you will benefit from our Cost-Plus structure.
Flat Rate Cost Plus
Pricing Structure for Futures
US Markets:
IB offers two pricing structures, Cost-Plus Fixed and Cost-Plus Tiered, for futures and futures options traded in the US.
Cost-Plus FIXED
You will be charged a fixed IB commission for each contract traded. This does not include exchange, regulatory or other third-party fees. You will be charged separately on a pass-through basis for those fees. In the Cost-Plus Fixed structure you will not be charged a daily IB carrying fee for positions held overnight.
Cost-Plus TIERED
You will be charged IB commissions (that are reduced if you exceed various volume thresholds) plus IB carrying fees for positions held overnight. You will be charged separately on a pass-through basis for exchange, regulatory or other third-party fees.
Non-US Markets:
IB offers two pricing structures, Flat Rate and Cost-Plus Tiered, for futures and futures options traded outside the US.
Flat Rate
You will be charged a single flat rate per contract that includes all commissions and fees. You will not be charged separately for exchange fees, clearing fees, regulatory fees, etc. You will not be charged a daily IB carrying fee for positions held overnight.
Cost-Plus TIERED
You will be charged IB commissions (that are reduced if you exceed various volume thresholds) plus IB carrying fees for positions held overnight. You will be charged separately on a pass-through basis for exchange, regulatory or other third-party fees.
If you choose Cost-Plus Fixed for US markets, you will receive Flat Rate for Non-US markets. If you choose Cost-Plus Tiered for US markets, you will receive Cost-Plus Tiered for Non-US markets.Customers that trade in large volumes or are covered under an exchange member or incentive program will benefit from our Cost-Plus Tiered structure.
Choose One:
Cost-Plus Fixed (US Markets)/Flat Rate (Non-US) Cost-Plus Tiered (US and Non-US Markets)
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